Thursday, April 20, 2006

Breaking Up with Jesus is Hard to Do

Owen Egerton at Killing the Buddha tackles the question, What happens when you realize you're just not that into him?
I'm often angry. I'd given him the best years of my life. Turned down college parties for Bible studies, passed on spring break flings just to make him happy. Memorized his words. Voted for his candidates.

Other times I miss him so much my chest hurts. It had been love, after all. Not puppy love, but passionate life-changing love. Late night prayers, sharing every thought, every feeling. Trusting him with my life. For over ten years nothing, nothing at all, was more important to me. Now that it's ended, the void feels nearly as encompassing as the presence once had.

After years of praying "in Jesus' name" I now find myself not knowing how to pray. What do I call God? How do I connect? I had come to define myself by this relationship. Now that I'm alone, who am I?
Read more of Jesus and I Broke Up

Hat tip to Christine. She is my Internet supplier; I shall not want.


At 12:32 AM , Blogger CrackerLilo said...

This made me cry. I've been there. I'm so grateful not to be anymore. So grateful.


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